Monday, May 30, 2016

Rebholz (Siebeldingen, Pfalz) -- 2014 Part I: Rieslings

Hans-Jörg Rebholz said that 2014 was very different in the Süd Pfalz, where his vines are located, from the rest of the Pfalz. In particular, the Asian fruit fly was much less of a problem in the Süd Pfalz, although he did have to deal with it for the Gewürztraminer. 

The cool nights gave low alcohol and minerality to the wines, he explained, and he thinks that potentially, 2014 is a very great year for him with wines very representative of the region and very much driven by terroir. Rain, a big problem for much of Germany, was not a problem in the Süd Pfalz, and accordingly, he didn’t have to throw out many grapes.

Starting with the Rieslings for this post, I agree that the wines are no less than sensational. (Continue reading here.)